
The exhibition "Future Ocean"

Communication of topics covered and results produced by Marine Research in Kiel to a broad audience is a central goal of the Kiel Cluster of Excellence "Future Ocean". The travelling exhibition was set up especially for the Kiel Cluster of Excellence.


Since its opening in October 2006 it has fascinated roughly 70,000 visitors and more than 150 school classes in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Berlin und Hamburg, making them aware of current topics of research in marine sciences.

the goal – fill people with enthusiasm about the ocean, provide information on Kiel Marine Science, communicate the topics covered by the Kiel Cluster of Excellence "Future Ocean"

The exhibition "Future Ocean – understanding the ocean sustaining our future" communicates the scientific topics pursued by the Cluster of Excellence "Future Ocean" in Kiel. Guided by questions such as "Who owns the ocean?", "Can we still eat fish tomorrow?" or "How can we store greenhouse gas in the ocean?", visitors are given more information on marine research and on how apparently disparate topics like the "Law of the Sea", "Fisheries" or "Seafloor Resources" are interconnected.

the idea – "experiencing the deep sea", diving into the researcher's world using all five senses

The visitors dive into the deep sea, the light in the room is dimmed, the sandy seafloor crunches under their feet. They are accompanied by underwater sounds throughout the exhibition, and can look at numerous pieces of research equipment used by the scientists.

The artistic design of the Kiel Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design overseen by Professor Manfred Schulz, and the concept produced by the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (GEOMAR), facilitate access to Marine Research through a variety of sensory perceptions. Interactive models and projection surfaces allow the visitors to experience the broad expanses of the ocean for themselves.

Trained marine scientists convey in-depth knowledge and will accompany the visitors through the exhibition upon request. The goal is, to communicate how the climate and oceanic processes are interlinked, how marine scientists investigate the past and use this information to develop predictions for the future.

the structure – mobile exhibition modules or a large-scale presentation

The Cluster of Excellence develops mobile exhibition modules in order to cover individual topics as a whole. These can easily be moved and hence presented at various locations on demand.