Side-Scan SonarBenthos C3D - including sub-bottom profiler, Towing system

Field of research: Observation

Institution: Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Institute of Geosciences, Marine Geosciences and Paleontology
Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Schwarzer
Location: Gerätepool marin & Hydroakustik Labor, Neufeldtstra§e 10, Bldg. 23

Technical Data/Features

High resolution image of the acoustic backscatter of the seafloor

  • Survey for targets Weight in air: 112 kg
  • Frequency: 200 kHz
  • Range: 25 Ð 300 m
  • Operating depth: up to 2000 m


  • Coastal- and Shelf environment
  • Mapping of sediment distribution on the seafloor
  • Habitat mapping


Hydroacoustic, Remote sensing, Marine Geology