ROWE SeaPilot Doppler Navigation Sensor (DeepNav)

Field of research: FB4-MuHS

Institution: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, FB4 -MuHS
Contact: Tom Kwasnitschka
Location: Wischhofstr. 1-3, Bldg. 14

The ROWE SeaPilot DVL is a navigation device that allows millimeter precise relative navigation by measuring the doppler shift of the echo among four angled sound beams across the water column and bouncing off the seafloor. In combination with other instruments such as a compass, depth gauge, and USBL / LBL transponder system, the DVL forms the backbone of contemporary underwater navigation solutions. The instrument is capable of 6000m deep operations and requires to be wired to a control PC and a power supply.
