01. Oktober 2017 via:mento_ocean off to a good (re-)start!

The 3rd cycle of Future Ocean Mentoring Programme started in September

On 29th of September 2017 the 3rd cycle of via:mento_ocean, the mentoring programme for female (post)doctoral researchers in marine sciences in Kiel, started with a kick-off meeting. 22 female marine scientists are taking part in the programme, so that this time we have a big heterogeneous group. Most of the 22 participants have their host institution at GEOMAR and Kiel University, but the programme attracted also marine scientists working at FTZ Büsum, IfW and IPN. 1/3 of the participants, named mentees, are from foreign countries and this is pretty new and shows that also international scientists value the programme, which is completely held in English. For the first time three doctoral candidates stepped in the programme. Future Ocean plays again a crucial role in open up the programme to younger scientist.


Via:mento_ocean´s aim is to support female researchers continuing their academic careers, in order to reach a professorship or a permanent senior scientist position. Female scientists join the mentoring programme pursuing the goal to receive advances for their career and to develop important skills for the academic career. Mentees are no longer anonymous but a list of them is on the website. Female scientists are now winning visibility and are proud being part of the programme. A list of the mentees can now be found on the webpage:

Each via:mento_ocean cycle starts with a kick-off meeting and goes on with workshops and network activities. In October we had the first workshop entitled "Empowerment of female scientists: small steps - huge impacts" with an external speaker, who talked about how to link values and career ambitions with possible career paths and about basic structures of social interactions and practice self-enabling. Workshops as well as networking activities are part of the mentoring programme, together of course with the individual one-to-one mentoring relationship.


Marta Chiarinotti, E-Mail: mchiarinotti@gb.uni-kiel.de