The exhibition in the atrium of the Foreign Office in Berlin informs visitors about the work of the Council of Baltic States. The Council of Baltic States was founded in 1992 and has significantly helped changed a “sea of confrontation” into a “sea of freedom”. The anniversary commemorates this development. The eleven Baltic countries present themselves, complemented by contributions on Baltic cooperation in the area of research and development. The Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” is also present with exhibits on the subject of sustainable fisheries. Playing the fish length game, visitors can find out how large, old and heavy fish should be when fished sustainably. Furthermore a computer game conveys more on the topic of overfishing.
Exhibition in the atrium of the German Federal Foreign Office
Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin
24th of April until 22nd June
Open: weekdays from 10 am – 8 pm