02. October 2012 Marine Research with a Panorama of the Alps

Kiel’s Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” and GEOMAR present themselves in Munich on the Day of German Unity

The Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” and GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel invite all visitors of the German Day of Unity in Munich to a fascinating excursion into the world’s oceans. On the 2nd and 3rd of October, marine scientists from Kiel present current marine research topics in the Schleswig-Holstein tent.


An unusual view for the marine scientists from Kiel: Instead of a wide horizon which they are accustomed to on board a research vessel, they gaze at the panorama of the Bavarian Alps. The research institute GEOMAR and the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” are participating in the marine science exhibition on the Day of German Unity for the fifth time. This year it is taking place in the city of Munich in front of an alpine backdrop. Visitors to the Schleswig-Holstein tent on Ludwigstraße dive into a dark, mysterious deep sea atmosphere. Here, interactive computer simulations, models of highly modern research instruments and three dimensional world maps await the visitor. Which opportunities and risks lie in our world oceans? Who does the sea belong to? How can we explore it? Questions, which partly go beyond the subject boundaries of the natural sciences, are explained to the landlocked visitors. “We are delighted about the great interest of the visitors” says Dr. Gerd Hoffmann-Wieck from GEOMAR. Already within the first hour the presentations have been very well received. “Far away from the coasts, the need for information on marine topics is yet a bit higher” believes Annika Wallaschek from the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean “. The team from the North will doubtlessly leave no question unanswered in the deep South.

The presentation by the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” and GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel on the Day of German Unity is supported by the state of Schleswig Holstein and Kiel University.

Further Information:

Dr. Andreas Villwock (Communication and Media)
Tel. 0431 600-2802

Friederike Balzereit, (The Future Ocean)
Tel. 0431 880 3032