26. August 2013 2nd October: Career Day at Kiel University

National and international funding opportunities for early career scientists

A Career Day for early career scientists at Kiel University is planned for October 2nd, 2013. It was initiated and organized by the postdoc network (IMAP) of the Cluster ‘Future Ocean’. The program is tailored to postdocs and Ph.D. students aiming at an academic career and will inform on how to successfully navigate through the national and international funding schemes.


Invited experts from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and from the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) will report about funding schemes for early career scientists issued by the DFG and the European Union. Testimonials of successful grantees will complement the program and a member of the DFG-review board will provide insights into the procedure of proposal evaluation by the DFG. Furthermore, experts of Kiel University will inform about measures they offer to support grant applicants.

Career Day Kiel University

  • Date: 2nd October 2013
  • Time: 9:00 - 14:30 h
  • Location: Klaus-Murmann-Hörsaal, Leibnizstraße 1

Event language is English.
complete program


Dr. Gesche Braker, Coordinator of the Integrated Marine Postdoc-Network (IMAP), Cluster of Excellence 'The Future Ocean'