12. October 2015 Top Scientists Explain Climate Change

Online lecture of the German Climate Consortium (DKK) and WWF Germany with the participation of GEOMAR

For the first time, a German online lecture with free access deals with climate change and its consequences. It was jointly developed by WWF Germany and the German Climate Consortium (DKK)-  with the participation of GEOMAR.


From the scientific basics to the consequences for each one of us: In a new, free online lecture the German Climate Consortium (DKK) and the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Germany explain climate change with the help of 19 experts – among them Prof. Mojib Latif and Prof. Ulf Riebesell from GEOMAR. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Climate change and its consequences” is aimed at students, teachers and all who would like to update their knowledge before the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015. Registration is already open – the start is November 9, 2015.

The course is divided into five chapters: “Climate system and climate change”, “Models and Scenarios”, “Climate History”, “Consequences of Climate Change” and “Climate Change as Social Challenge”. Short lectures, animation and graphics are used to explain the different aspects. Work assignments, creative tasks and puzzle games ensure variety and inspire the participants to think further. In the “Weekly Challenge” the participants put into practice what they have learned directly. The ZDF science journalist Dirk Steffens (“Terra X”) will host the course.

“I am particularly excited to see how the younger generation will like the new format. They will be the ones most affected by the consequences of climate change and should search for innovative solutions”, explains Latif who is also chairman of the German Climate Consortium (DKK) now. “We provide young people with the necessary knowledge and encourage them to do self-study – and from my own education I know that sometimes this can have more effect than the classic classroom teaching style at universities.”

https://iversity.org/de/courses/klimawandel MOOC “Climate change and its consequences” (“Klimawandel und seine Folgen”) on the online platform Iversity
www.wwf.de/aktiv-werden/bildungsarbeit-lehrerservice/mooc-online-vorlesung/was-ist-ein-mooc Information on MOOC on the homepage of the WWF
www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de/de/bildung/online-vorlesung-mooc.html The MOOC “Climate change and its consequences” (“Klimawandel und seine Folgen”) on the homepage of the DKK