People live near the ocean, people use the ocean, they relax at the seaside and take part in sports competitions on the ocean - just like during the Kiel Week. But how well do we really know the ocean? The answer to this question is sobering. Numerous questions about how the ocean and its ecosystems function are still unanswered or have not yet been asked. Yet the oceans are crucial as a living, working and recreation area to the future of humankind. To bring this issue into the public eye nationwide, on June 7 Federal Research Minister Professor Johanna Wanka officially opened the Year of Science 2016 * 17 "Seas and Oceans". Kiel Marine Sciences are participating actively - also during the Kiel Week. In lectures, exhibitions and hands-on activities they are offering insights into their work and current research issues.
The motto of the Science Year is "Discover - Use - Protect". This triad is can be found in all events during the Kiel Week. What role does the play ocean for our climate? Are there resources in the ocean, which we can use sustainably in the future? Will we ever be able to limit the impact of marine natural hazards such as tsunamis? How can we prevent litter from getting into the ocean? These are just some of the questions that the exhibition "Our Oceans - Your Future" tries to answer. The exhibition on key issues of Kiel Marine Research is open daily from June 17th to 26th from 12 noon to 6 pm on the “Kiellinie”. The ocean:lab of the Kieler Forschungswerkstatt (Kiel Research Workshop) offers experiments for younger Kiel Week visitors on topics such as "The Baltic Sea Ecosystem" or "Litter in the Ocean".
The array of topics at the traditional Kiel Week lectures is also quite diverse. It ranges from the discovery of new underwater volcanoes to ways to use algae as a food or an energy source, to protecting the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Another lecture explores ways to balance the benefits of raw materials and the protection of deep water ecosystems. Finally, one talk looks at why sperm whales sometimes strand on North Sea shores. The lectures take place from Monday to Friday at 18:00 in the auditorium of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel.
More talks on marine science topics can be heard in the “Kieler uni live” tent from Kiel University, also on the “Kiellinie.”
The popular "Open Ship" on the research vessel ALKOR will take place on Friday, June 24th. Visitors can take a look at a typical workplace of marine scientists, from the open working deck to the laboratories inside the ship. The event "What is living there in the ocean?" shows typical inhabitants of the North and Baltic Seas such as starfish, crabs and smaller fish. A team from the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of the Environment will also provide information on the dangers of old munitions in the seas on our doorstep.
All events are free and require no registration.
Information for media representatives:
We cordially invite you to the official opening of the exhibition “Our Oceans – Your Future”. Prof. Ilka Parchmann (vice president of Kiel University) and Prof. Martin Visbeck (spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”) give insights into the topics of the exhibition and link them to current scientific and marine policy developments. Apart from that, they provide an overview of the whole program for the Kiel Week in the Science Year “Seas and Oceans”.
When: Friday, June 17th, 11:00 am
Where: Exhibition tent on the "Kiellinie" next to the GEOMAR Aquarium
An Overview of Events:
The Kiel Week Exhibition "Our Oceans - Your Future"
June 17 to 26, 2016 daily from 12 noon to 6 pm.
Where: On the “Kiellinie” in the tent next to the aquarium at GEOMAR
Joint exhibition of the GEOMAR, the Cluster of Excellence Future Ocean and the ocean:lab of the “Kieler Forschungswerkstatt”
Kiel Week lectures:
Monday, June 20, 6 pm
Dr. Matthias Haeckel, GEOMAR: „Ökologische Auswirkungen von Tiefseebergbau“
Tuesday, June 21, 6 pm
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Schulz, Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garten, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Exzellenzcluster „Ozean der Zukunft“: „Moderne Produktion und Nutzung von Algen: Beispiele zwischen der Kieler Förde und dem Weltmarkt“
Wednesday, June 22, 6 pm
Dr. Jörg Geldmacher GEOMAR: „Feuerberge auf dem Meeresboden“
Thursday, June 23, 6 pm
Dr. Uwe Piatkowski GEOMAR: „Pottwale - Giganten der Tiefsee. Warum stranden sie in der Nordsee?“
Friday, June 24, 6 pm
Dr. Susann Tegtmeier, GEOMAR: „Was hat der Ozean mit dem Ozonloch zu tun?“
Großer Hörsaal, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel
Open Ship on the RV ALKOR
Friday, June 24, 2016, 10 am -5 pm
Links: Events at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Future Ocean events ocean:lab of the Kieler Forschungswerkstatt (only German) Program in the Kiel University tent on the “Kiellinie” (only German)
Friederike Balzereit (Future Ocean, Public Outreach), tel.: 0431 880-3032
Jan Steffen (GEOMAR, Communication & Media), tel.: 0431 600-2811