23. Februar 2023 Future Ocean Network - Archive Pages

New communication channels for Future Ocean network and FYORD Foster Young Researcher Development

Portrayal of the Future Ocean network's activities on the KMS (Kiel University) and partner websites — standalone website for FYORD, the joint program for the promotion of young scientists and career development by KMS and GEOMAR.


The Future Ocean network as a successor to the „Future Ocean" Cluster of Excellence acts as a bridge for the institutional exchange between scientific partners in Kiel (see About us).

Organizationally, the network is part of Kiel University's priority research area Kiel Marine Science (KMS), the Center for Interdisciplinary Marine Science. Its activities have been exclusively coordinated by the KMS office since the end of 2018.

This website provides insight into past research topics and will no longer be updated. Information about joint projects or activities of the partners in Kiel is now presented on the respective homepages, especially on the website of the priority research area Kiel Marine Science (KMS).

The goal of further developing the interdisciplinary Kiel research agenda with new joint projects at the interface between humanity, society and the sea by building on the structures and scientific results from more than 10 years of collaborative research remains a concern of the involved institutions.

FYORD program for the promotion of young scientists and career development
FYORD — Foster Young Ocean Researchers Development, the cross-institutional program for the promotion of young scientists and career development, started in the fall of 2021. The joint program by Kiel Marine Science (KMS) and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel forms the umbrella for activities regardless of status for students (Masters@FYORD), PhD students (Docs@FYORD) and early career postdoctoral researchers (Postdocs@FYORD). FYORD specifically promotes interdisciplinary education and training and supports young scientists in their career inside as well as outside of academia. The interdisciplinary Master School of Marine Science (iMSMS), the Graduate Center and the Postdoc Center at Kiel University are among FYORD's close collaborators. Further support comes from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research with its specific building blocks for the promotion of young scientists. Information on all activities and events will be announced on the FYORD website.

Web presence of FYORD: www.fyord-kiel.org



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