09. October 2019 via:mento_ocean says goodbye in Naples


The mentoring programmes via:mento_ocean and via:mento have been presented together with the mentoring programme of the EU-Project „Baltic Gender" (Horizon 2020) at the international conference "Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities (Napels, 16-17 September 2019)".


Marta Chiarinotti held the presentation "Mentoring programs as instruments for cultural change. A comparison between three programs at Kiel University". Aim of this presentation was to show how the three programs contribute to cultural change in the institutions and which the advantages of the different mentoring programmes are. In Kiel we have a long experience in mentoring: via:mento started in 2010, via:mento_ocean in 2013 and the Baltic Gender Mentoring Programme in 2017. Our experience is based on a total of 10 cycles of mentoring and ca. 160 mentees. The successful mentoring programme via:mento_ocean has been presented for the last time at a conference than the last and third cycle of the programme ended in December 2018.

Here you can find more information about the international conference organised from Eument-net, the European Network of Mentoring Programmes for the Advancement of Equal Opportunities and Cultural and Institutional Change in Academia and Research.


Marta Chiarinotti
Tel.: +49 431 880-1018