08. December 2014 SOLAS Open Science Conference 2015 at Kiel University


The next SOLAS Open Science Conference will be held in Kiel, Germany 7 - 11 September 2015 at Kiel University. The Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is an international and interdisciplinary research initiative that with its Open Science Conference offers the ideal programme for scientists who wish to learn about current research in the field of air-sea interactions and processes, to develop future research collaboration, to share their knowledge and to present their own findings by displaying a poster or giving an oral presentation.


The Conference will consist of plenary talks divided into eight thematic sessions, parallel discussion sessions for “hot” topics chosen by the community and a lively poster session.

Participate in this international conference to learn about new research, present your recent findings, share your knowledge, and develop future research directions and collaborations in the field of SOLAS science.

Further information will be published on the Conference website: