Out of more than 240 applications, 67 projects in total were selected that make an important contribution to sustainable development in Germany. The project 'Aquacubes' creates solutions for the implementation of a closed circulatory system on roofs, within buildings as well as in public spaces and is meant to encourage a sustainable change in fish consumption. "With 'Aquacubes' we not only aim to guarantee the provision of important sources of protein from fish, protein plants or algae, but also to do something about the scarcity of land in urban areas and reducing the exploitation of the world's oceans through resource-saving production," explains Biniam Samuel-Fitwi, a researcher at the Institute for Animal Breeding and Husbandry at Kiel University (CAU). "The award serves as a reward and a sign of appreciation of our work and motivates us to meet the challenges of sustainable aquaculture and urban development," Samuel-Fitwi continues.
This is the sixth time that the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) has awarded promising ideas and initiatives which create a more social, just and ecological world. This year the jury, comprised of the members of the RNE and representatives of the Regional Hubs for Sustainability Strategies (RENN), set the focus on "coherence", "impact" and "originality" in addition to other criteria to contribute to Germany's sustainable development goals.
The German Council for Sustainable Development was first appointed by the former Federal Government under Gerhard Schröder in April 2001. Associated to the Council are 15 public figures. The tasks of the Council is the development of contributions for the implementation of the sustainability strategy of the Federal Government, the designation of specific fields of action as well as projects to make sustainability an important public issue.
www.tatenfuermorgen.de Projekt Aquacube
www.nachhaltigkeitsrat.de Der Nachhaltigkeitsrat (RNE)
www.futureocean.org Exzellenzcluster Future Ocean
Dr. Biniam Samuel-Fitwi, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel,
Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry