11th Kiel Marketplace: Oil in the Sea – Entry, Reduction and Prevention

The 11th Kiel Marketplace took place on November 21st 2013. This event, organized by the Cluster of Excellence The Future Ocean together with the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany, has now established itself as a platform for knowledge transfer and networking between science, industry, politics and NGOs. More than 50 participants joined.

Crude oil is indispensible in today’s production of different plastics. In spectacular accidents oil enters the oceans. Following an introduction on the topic of oil production in the sea, the safety concept of the Mittelplate Drillling and Production Island was explained. It lies in the national park Schleswig Holstein’s Wadden Sea and is consider the best-practice example for environmentally friendly oil production. Then the Marketplace presented modern technology for bilge water assortment on ships. Some microorganisms have specialized on metabolizing particular components in crude oil. The last presentation talked of a current study from Kiel on how much is metabolized and how fast these microorganisms can react to oil catastrophes.