01. June 2011 Cluster in Brussels – consultation on Common Fisheries Policy Reform

Rainer Froese (IFM-GEOMAR) particiated in a consultation in the European Parliament on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. Attendees included representatives of the Directorate General on Maritime Affairs and Fisheries with their Commissioner Maria Damanki.


Rainer Froese presented Cluster reserach conducted together with Martin Quaas, Alexander Proelss and Till Requate. He emphasized that the legal basis for the management of fisheries is already laid out in the United Nations International Convention on the Law of the Sea from 1982 and the United Nations Fish Stock Agreement from 1995. After successful implementation in New Zealand, Australia and the USA, the European Union has to follow. He presented results from his work, showing generic harvest control rules for European fish stocks that would lead to a fourfold increase of the fish's biomass and a corresponding increase in the Total Allowable Catch of 63%. The net revenues of fishers could be fivefold. Froese criticized the alternative suggestion of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) as insufficient and not in accordance with  experience gathered in New Zealand, Australia and the USA.


Rainer Froese, rfroese@ifm-geomar.de