03. July 2014 Translating the Blue

In cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean" at Kiel University and the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts the film essay "Translating the Blue" was developed by filmmaker and Muthesius Professor Stephan Sachs. The film made while on a research expedition in the South Atlantic aboard the research vessel L 'Atalante, under the leadership of Prof. Peter Brandt from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, is now being presented to the public.


On Wednesday, July 16th the Metro Kino Kiel invites the public to take part in a 75 minute film-journey that transcends the boundaries between science and art.

Muthesius professor and member of the Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean" Stephan Sachs explores the ocean in his film essay. Based on images taken on a research expedition in the South Atlantic, the film examines the various forms of approaching reality. The main protagonist is the sea, the ocean. It is constantly present in a variety of forms, in picture and sound. It is also the research subject for the scientists. They are oceanographers; they are trying to understand the ocean currents. Here imaging techniques based on mathematical calculations are indispensable. Models, attempts at translation, even poetical translation, are a central theme of the film. This occurs at different intertwining levels: from the image description at the beginning of the film, to the collection of German-English collections of terms from oceanography and art down to asking one scientist about the beauty of the formulas. From old dioramas from natural history museums to fictional letters from aboard a ship, from observations of data collection at sea to a model that predicts the distribution of radioactive cesium in the Pacific from Fukushima.

Stephan Sachs is an artist and filmmaker. He teaches film / time-based media at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel. He taught in Dusseldorf, Bochum and Zurich and has won several awards for his experimental films and artistic documentaries.

www.futureocean.org Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”
www.muthesius.de Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
www.stephansachs.de Webseite des Künstlers Stephan Sachs
www.uni-kiel.de Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


Prof. Stephan Sachs, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design,
Tel.: +49 431 5198-486

Friederike Balzereit, Public Outreach, Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”, Tel.: +49 431-880-3032
E-mail: fbalzereit@uv.uni-kiel.de